Depression: 7 best ways to fight depression (that work fast)

7 Best ways to fight depression

Are you having depression or Are you feeling depressed? Having depression and feeling depressed both are different. 

Life is full of ups and downs and at some point in life, we may feel sad and hopeless due to stressful events. And when circumstances changes, the feeling of sadness gets disappeared. But if you are feeling down for more than 2 weeks then you are having depression. And it is a matter of concern. 

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world. But don't worry every problem has solutions. And here you will get to know the best ways to fight depression. All these ways are easy and work quickly.

You may have many questions about depression, some of them are listed below.

  1. What is depression?
  2. What are its symptoms and causes?
  3. Can depression be cured?
  4. Will depression go away on its own?
  5. Will depression cause death?
  6. How to fight depression?

Here all your questions will be answered. 


Depression is one of the common psychiatric disorder or mental illness. It can affect person feelings, thoughts and behaviours.

According to the study, 1 in every 10 men will suffer from depression. Depression is widespread but poorly understood.

It is found that depression in teenagers is increasing rapidly. Individuals are not able to identify the symptoms of depression. 

Feeling low at times is a normal part of life, but if you are feeling low and hopeless on a regular basis then you are dealing with depression.

Depression is a serious disorder and must be treated carefully.

Depressed girl

According to the World Health Organisation(WHO), India is one of the most depressed country followed by China and the USA. 

These countries are most affected by depression, anxiety, stress and other mental disorders.

About 800 000 people commit suicide due to depression every year. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-19 year olds.


  • Anxiousness
  • Feeling low or hopeless 
  • Restlessness
  • Loss of interest
  • Thoughts of suicide
  •  Smoking and drinking
  • Insomnia
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Headache, pains and cramps
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Harming yourself 


The 2 main causes of depression are psychological and biological.

Biological causes: three types of chemicals are found in the brain which has a direct relation with depression. Serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, if this chemical is in less amount in the brain then a person can suffer from depression.

Psychological causes: there are many psychological reasons which can make a person depressed.

Circumstances like family problems, poverty etc. make people depressed.

Stressful events like deaths, loss of closed one, divorce may result in depression.

People who overthink starts creating a situation in their mind which don't even exist. This resulting in depression.

Successive failures are also one of the causes of depression.

All these causes make people feel hopeless. They start feeling that their life has no value resulting in harming themselves (suicides).

According to a survey, it was found that most of the male starts smoking and drinking to come out of depression. 

But this makes the situation even more critical.

Now it will be easy for you to identify depression. So let's understand the best ways to fight depression.

7 Best ways to fight depression

  1. Exercise regularly- Exercise releases chemical endorphins which is a feel-good hormone. Release of endorphins will make you feel better. And other benefits of exercise you already know.
  2. Speak to someone- open up and share your feelings to someone. I know it's difficult for males to open up as they are afraid of sharing their feelings. Because of this reason, males have more suicide rates. Sharing your feelings with someone will make you feel better and will also help in reducing sadness.
  3. Keep yourself busy- try to do more work to keep yourself busy. This will help you to stop overthinking and will bring positivity to your life. 
  4. Take proper sleep- during depression, people are not able to take proper sleep. This reduces their efficiency and it's bad for their health. So try to take a minimum of 6 hours of sleep.
  5. Whenever you feel depressed take a cold water bath. This will boost your mood and will increase efficiency.
  6. Stay with positive people- try to spend most of the time with positive people, people who value you. Do some good deeds like helping needy ones, this will make you happy.
  7. Nature- Nature is the best healer and absorber of negativity. It reduces stress levels, anxiety and lessens symptoms of depression. Spending time in nature will promote your physical and mental well being.

It is found that all these ways helped thousands of people to fight depression.

Individual must not smoke or drink, alcohols are depressants and if we are feeling depressed and drinking alcohol then we are feeding ourself with depressants. 

You must appreciate your work. Eat a balanced diet. 

All these ways are easy and work quickly.

To bring better results you can start using antidepressant with the advice of a psychiatrist. You can also attend a psychotherapy session.

Now it's your turn to fight depression

I hope this post showed you the best ways to fight depression. 

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